Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Alright girls, life update while I wake up.

School is rather great. I'm really enjoying my classes. I mean, I have to study at least 3 hours everyday, but besides that, the classes are really interesting. Today I have a test on rescue breathing in advanced emergency care class. The only class that is disappointingly silly is my religion class, which, I was hoping for a professor kind of like Camba. But alas (earwax), I ended up with a professor who is scatterbrained and quite mouse-like. He's nice and easy, so I can't complain too much. But, well, you know. It's difficult to write essays when you don't take the class seriously. In Anatomy we started working with the cadavers. We're learning the muscles and so after we go over the muscles that we're learning for this section we go into the cadaver room and look at the muscles on the cadavers and it's really insanely interesting. Some of them are pretty old and dried out, but a couple of them are still moist and it's just very interesting. I was afraid I'd be scared of them or something, but that's definitely not the case at all! And psychobio is super interesting, but I wish I wasn't taking it in the same semester as anatomy. I wish I could put the studying time in that it deserves. When I say at least 3 hours of studying, I mean just for anatomy.

Things are also really great with Andrew. We tend to go out on Sundays, since that's the day that we're both off all day, but we hang out regularly during the week, too. We're planning on becoming regulars at the Cozy Café and we already seem to be regulars at star-gazing. Every Sunday we've ended up at a park on a blanket looking for shapes in the stars. We picked a celestial body (well, it was a planet, but we bet on whether it was a star or planet) as our own, that turned out to be Jupiter. So now whenever we go out we always comment on Jupiter. I've never really been this comfortable relationship-wise with someone before and all the time I'm surprised at how uncomplicated things are with Andrew. During the summer, past the point that the silly crush turned into something a little bit more legitimate, I kept hoping for things to fall into place, because they were showing signs of actually doing so. We alternated with ride giving, we had started hanging out by ourselves, we alternated with paying for eating. Those are all silly things, but I just felt like something could grow, it didn't seem too impossible. And things did fall into place. Perfectly. Without addressing with words what was actually happening, we became a couple! In the back of my mind, I'm still a little nervous that he'll get irritated with me or that he'll somehow find that he doesn't actually have feelings for me at all, but then there are no signs of that because he wants to hang out all the time and we always hold hands, and yeah. For the very first time in my life, this is happening how it's supposed to happen. This is a real thing.

On Sunday, we went to this park that's literally at the very end of Crenshaw up in PV, that has this super amazing view of PV and the sunset. And it was really dark at night so we stargazed. But I got 11 bug bites! Ughh.

Well, it is 7:27 am, and it's time to get ready for school, sigh. So I'll leave this here. Someone *coughmichellecough* needs to update her blogs more often!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today Andrew and I are going to the 1920's festival thing that Lindsay told me about! I'll let you guys know how it turns out! I'll try posting pictures too!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Blah blah blah

I am settling into the routine of this semester, and it's a bit chaotic because I'm busy ALL THE TIME, but it's the good kind of busy, where I always feel productive and occupied (and I'm almost caught up on everything I was behind on! And that sentence made so much sense!). I wonder how long it will be before the exhaustion and stress set in. But knock on wood that they don't!

I had my first test in my Spanish lit analysis class today, and I was totally freaked out about it, because my professor seems like she expects a lot. And while I actually finished in time and completed everything to a degree that I think is quite acceptable, I'm still nervous that it's not going to be good enough for the prof and I will get an F. Okay, probably not an F. Maybe a C. Okay, B-. But still! I am not comfortable with that! I am far too much of a type A personality to be okay with that. Stop freaking me out, Spanish lit prof. It's not pleasant.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Class Scheduling 101

So y'all, I have a really embarrassing story about my first day of class, which was on Thursday.

Just some background before I begin: I always make myself a pretty, colored schedule on Excel instead of just using the one on Tele-BEARS, our registration system. So the classrooms I have printed on that schedule are the ones I go to.

I go to my last class of the day: History of Germany from Bismark to WWI. I sit in the room while a bunch of freshmen natter away, excitedly introducing themselves because this whole thing is still novel to them (awwww, adorable!). I just sit there, quietly*, because I kinda don't want to be there, as it's already 3:30 and this class won't end until 5.

Finally, the professor walks in. She sets her stuff down on the podium, and opens a window.

"Welcome to Intro to Feminist Theory."

Oh. Shit.

*Hahahha, quietly. I know, right?
Guys, school starts tomorrow! I know for all of you (besides Lindsay and I) that it has already started. How were your first days?

I'm kind of nervous for this! But listen to the syllabus description of Advanced Emergency Care:

H. Expected Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Recognize victim’s signs and symptoms, and establish which victims and which problem(s) require immediate emergency care.

2. If needed, students will be able to furnish assistance until advanced emergency medical care for adults, children, and infants is obtained, or until the prognosis for recovery is assured.

3. Student will demonstrate knowledge and skills in assessing and caring for emergencies involving breathing and circulation (Including Rescue Breathing, Breathing Devices, Obstructed Airway, CPR, and Automatic External Defibrillation).

4. Students will appropriately assess and care for severe bleeding, bandaging of wounds, splinting of musculoskeletal injuries, burns, cold and heat exposure, injuries to the spine, head, neck, trunk, poisoning and bites, drug abuse, and dental emergencies.

5. Students will be able to recognize when and how to perform necessary moves and rescues for emergencies in water and on land.

6. Students will be able to identify and care for emergency childbirth, and various forms of sudden illness, such as fainting, shock, heart attack, diabetic emergencies, stroke, seizures, and high fever.

Doesn't it sound really cool?? I'm glad that I actually got into that class. Geez, by the time it's over I'll know how to properly assess dental emergencies and identify and care for emergency childbirth. I wonder how the Activity portion of the course will be.

Anyways. For real life, I might go rollerblading with Andrew and Isaac today. Sarah and Sam left yesterday morning and so I'm feeling that familiar empty feeling inside (even though I still have breakfast to look forward to with Nicole Pyon) that comes at the beginning of the semester. But this semester is going to be different! There's going to be fall quidditch (I'm so excited for this! There's apparently a South Bay Quidditch League that we're all actively stalking up (by that I mean, we've tried to join via facebook but they haven't accepted any of us yet. And Andrew sent them an email challenging them to a match!) and we plan to train this fall so that in the winter we're ready for them! This means I need to start running at the gym. Anyways though, this semester will be different because I do have people that I could meet up with at school. It's really strange, but they're all boys. Literally, all of my new friends from this summer are boys!

Wish me luck for school. I miss you all so much (believe me, so much!) and I hope that next week goes well for you guys too!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hi guys!

So I finally figured out how to join this thing, and I've finally brought my computer into a cafe. That's right, I don't actually have internet yet. Nor do I have a lot of time to update. I'm having a lot of fun, though, and I miss you all heaps! (I learned that from my Australians!) Do you want like a play-by-play update next time? Or just a general "I'm alive, here are pictures". In any case, I'll post some pictures up next time. I have so much to tell you all!

Love you all heaps!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

what i like is that we made this blog to communicate with michelle but michelle is the only one who hasn't joined it yet :]

i hate school