Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today Andrew and I are going to the 1920's festival thing that Lindsay told me about! I'll let you guys know how it turns out! I'll try posting pictures too!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Blah blah blah

I am settling into the routine of this semester, and it's a bit chaotic because I'm busy ALL THE TIME, but it's the good kind of busy, where I always feel productive and occupied (and I'm almost caught up on everything I was behind on! And that sentence made so much sense!). I wonder how long it will be before the exhaustion and stress set in. But knock on wood that they don't!

I had my first test in my Spanish lit analysis class today, and I was totally freaked out about it, because my professor seems like she expects a lot. And while I actually finished in time and completed everything to a degree that I think is quite acceptable, I'm still nervous that it's not going to be good enough for the prof and I will get an F. Okay, probably not an F. Maybe a C. Okay, B-. But still! I am not comfortable with that! I am far too much of a type A personality to be okay with that. Stop freaking me out, Spanish lit prof. It's not pleasant.